- $ time ksh93 -c '(set -o xtrace ; rm -Rf bash && git clone https://git.savannah.gnu.org/git/bash.git && cd bash && SHELL=/usr/bin/ksh93 CONFIG_SHELL=/usr/bin/ksh93 PATH="/usr/ast/bin:/opt/ast/bin:$PATH" ksh93 ./configure --with-curses && make -j2 all && make clean && make -j4 all)' #
- # build time for NTFS
- real 7m24.222s
- user 11m20.153s
- sys 5m12.496s
- # build time for NFSv4.1
- real 13m26.233s
- user 10m59.379s
- sys 9m9.596s
Cygwin bash build times
Posted by Anonymous on Fri 31st May 2024 11:41
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